<h2 class="internal-header">Packing & Storage Tips</h2>
Storage Restrictions
- Do not pack potpourri, dried flowers, dried ornamental fruits or vegetables (ie. Dried Indian Harvest corn, etc) or any other items which would attract pests.
- Do not pack spices, flour, sugar, condiments, pasta or any other items which would attract pests.
- Do not pack cat, dog, small animal or bird food or any other items which would attract pests.
- Do not pack liquid house hold cleaners that may freeze and cause spillage.
- Do not store propane tanks, gas, oil, toxic chemicals, guns, weapons, ammunition or any items prohibited by law.

General Storage and Packing Tips
- Rubbermaid or plastic totes with lids are advised to use.
- Try to fill boxes completely so that they may neither crush nor collapse when stacked.
- Heaviest boxes on the bottom.
- Seal boxes completely to keep dust out.
- Securely seal the bottom of boxes.
- Use plenty of crushed up newsprint in the voids and cavities in the box as you pack.
- Do not use newspaper print to wrap items, ink can rub off and stain.
- Label all boxes with the items it contains and room to which it belongs. Label 3 sides of box and keep label facing walking path inside your unit.
- It is always better to use two smaller boxes than one heavy one.
- Plan your storage unit. Place items you do not need access to in the rear of the unit. Place valuables to rear such as your stereo, TV, cameras, etc.
- Keep items off the floor to improve ventilation. Use pallets, plywood, or wood slats on the floor of the unit. The more air movement, the drier it is. Walls can also develop condensation so it is advised to leave a bit of room between your items and the walls as well.
- Stack boxes of similar size.
- Pack books in smaller sized boxes. Pack books flat.
- Stack record albums and cds on end to prevent warping.
- Store valuable papers inside plastic sleeves or baggies or line the box with plastic bag to avoid moisture absorption.
- Make sure all appliances are clean and dry, wedge doors slightly ajar to prevent mold or odour
- Use space inside appliances to store smaller items.

- Wrap china, glassware, etc individually in bubble wrap, cushion foam or ink free newsprint.
- Use foam, peanuts to fill voids in boxes.
- Store clothing with fabric freshener sheets.
- Use non-rusting hangers.
- For wool items use cedar chips and/or mothballs.
- If stacking furniture place blankets or towels between to prevent scratching.
- Stand mattresses on their end, with something underneath to allow air flow. Use a mattress bag to cover it. If using plastic, allow the top to remain open for air circulation. Do not seal bag with tape.
- Wax or Pledge furniture before storing.
- Use dresser drawers for small or delicate items.
- Items like computers, electronic equipment, and camera equipment should be wrapped in bubble, cushion foam.
- Do not use Styrofoam chips.
- Metal items (bicycles, tools, etc) need to be cleaned and dried. Items that are prone to rust, wipe them with a rag containing a few drops of machine oil.
- Motorcycles, cars, snow blowers, lawn mowers, pressure washers, etc, follow the tips in your owner’s manual. In general, remove all fuel and other fluids to avoid spillage and reduce flammability. Use drip pan under vehicle to prevent oil drips on concrete floor.
- Place plastic tarp or plastic dust cover over contents.
- You may place mouse bait poison feeding stations in your unit. (ie. Warfarin, poison bars or pellet form)